
Natural CoXll Inhibitor


Composition :-
Each tablet contain:-
Salix :200mg (salicin)
Vit.C :250mg
Zinc glucanat :6.4

Salix 200
– is Natural product.
– It shown to reduce inflammation, lower fever and relieve pain.
– It Works to reduce pain by blocking the production of inflammatory prostaglandins,
– it is Gentler on the stomach, and has less toxic effect on the body in General.

Salix 200
– Contain znic gluconote 6.4 mg = 0.82 mg elemental zinc.
– has a benficial effect on the processes of tissue repair, Wound & bone healing .
– is an essential component of many enzyms., maintain normal .

Salix 200 Contain Vit C 250 mg:
– Is essential for normal cartilage. & also its Antioxidant effect Appears to Offset the damage caused by
free radicals in joints degenrative changes in aging body including Destruction of cartilage & connective tissue.)
– Essential for collagen formation, that helps wound healing, it also prevent Capilary fragility & Bleeding.
– Both Zn & Vit C. Enhances the immune system.